Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Spiderman Big Brother.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: PRE-GAME CONFESSIONALS   PRE-GAME CONFESSIONALS EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 5:35 pm

Why, hello! I am Betty Brant, the soon-to-be GODDESS of this game. I play smart, I play hard, and I play ruthlessly. Ain't no bitches standing in my way to getting this title. I'm calling it now: I'm winning this shit...


I always feel like mystery games start the same. People start showing up, partake in playful but pointless banter, and then start lying and backstabbing each other and their grannies when the madness begins. What a wonderful blessing to be able to do such horrible things to friends. It can only happen on the Games: Other Games board. Smile

I'll play along, but I'm way too smart to put myself out there yet as a big personality. Having a larger than life personality thins the ice beneath your feet too much. I'm not letting myself fall victim to falling through. I watched out for my people last time around and established myself as a HBIC to protect people who weren't loyal, but this time is all about me, myself, and I. Selfish diva bitches usually always thrive in this game, so the other players better watch out.

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^lol sucks to be them
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: PRE-GAME CONFESSIONALS   PRE-GAME CONFESSIONALS EmptyFri Aug 31, 2012 1:51 pm

Aunt May wrote:
My dear child. How are you doing?
Where does this old crypt get off calling me a 'child'? Rolling Eyes

Last I checked, I was a hot, desirable, and sexy BIOTCH. So, Auntie May, dear, step off. kthansbai

The positive part is that finally someone private messaged me about the game, even though I sense that she's a player and a fucking half. I would have probably liked to received a PM from a hottie like Harry, but maybe Aunt May remembers the good old days and wants me to take her along for the ride.

Maybe I'll show her mercy, especially if other people continue to be rude and ignore me.
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