Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: WEEK 9 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 9 CONFESSIONALS EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 2:53 am

After such a sickening last round, I am looking forward to being safe for once. The game under Eddie's reigns as HOH were fucking miserable as hell, and the very thought of him winning HOH again makes me want to jump off a cliff. He was THISCLOSE to winning HOH again, but thankfully Aunt May won HOH instead. I trust that she would keep me safe, unless somehow my game unravels and people catch onto my double-allegiances floating around. As of right now, I have two allegiances:

Spiderman, Gwen, and Aunt May
This is the grouping that I'm planning on staying loyal to, just because they actually saved my ass from the block a few weeks ago. I just get the feeling that I can trust Spiderman and Gwen a lot. Aunt May gives me major gamer vibes, but I've kept up contact with her since the start so I feel that I may have some more time before I become a target of her's. Gwen, I sense, is a player striving to play honestly and socially. If she turns on me, I think she'd let me know though relying on her heavily may prove to be a mistake. The one I like the most is Spiderman, who told me immediately that he was voting to keep me and never wavered. I really like that guy and want to see him stick, especially if it bothers Eddie.

Harry and Doctor Octopus
I got pulled into this alliance, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out a little bit about the other alliance finding out about it. Harry is the tying factor here, so this alliance will die if he goes. I was more looking forward to keeping Harry as a secret ally, but now he's sort of forced me to play double agent and align with Doctor Octopus, whom I have no real desire with working with. I don't care much for Doctor Octopus, because he couldn't have been bothered to tell me that he was voting for me to stay when I PMed him for help a few nights ago. I may be loyal to Harry if he sticks, but definitely not Doctor Octopus at the current state of affairs now. If this alliance does get blown out of the water, I'll just tell them that I wasn't planning on staying loyal to them and was just trying to see if they'd tell me anything. I would tell Gwen, Aunt May, and Spiderman about this alliance before it spills, but it would cut down on my flexibility and I can't have that.

I have been keeping up good rapport with Sandman, whom I've been speaking to since he won his first HOH after the merge. I'm not sure where he fits in right now, but he is theoretically my "in" with the villains (along with Harry) so I'd like to keep him around.

May Parker also wants me to protect J. Jonah, even though he hasn't taken a moment of his busy schedule to talk to me. I think he's also a rat who voted against May Parker when he told her he wasn't, so I don't trust him.

Eddie Brock needs to DIAF. I can't STAND that dude, as evident by my last confessional. If he had won HOH tonight, I probably would have just packed my belongings and quit because he seriously makes me want to drill screws in my head.

I also can't stand Lizard, who understandably voted against me last round but his incessant whining annoys me nonetheless. I'm pretty sure that lovely host Mary Jane isn't going to tell you when the jury starts for your sake, Lizzie. Rolling Eyes

So, that's where I stand with everyone in the game. I need to continue playing the field, but I need to do it in such a way that no one will find out what I'm doing and give them even more reason to target me.

Last edited by Betty Brant on Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 9 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 9 CONFESSIONALS EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 3:03 am

So, Aunt May decided to nominate Harry and Doctor Octopus. For the first time, I'm playing two alliances against each other and truly feel like I'm playing with fire. My hopes is to show up for the veto, give a halfass effort, and have the nominations stay the same. Gwen told me that Doctor Octopus has some sort of secret power, or a clue to one. Either way, that scares the FUCK out of me and makes me want him gone. If the nominations do change, I hope to God that I don't get backdoored. I also learned of another alliance, so that may explain why Aunt May put up the people that she did:

The Quack Pack Alliance?: Aunt May, Eddie Brock, Spiderman, and Gwen Stacy
I'm not sure who else is in this, except maybe Amazing Spiderman, who already got evicted. This alliance explains why they got so pissed at Eddie Brock betraying them when he backdoored Amazing Spiderman. It also appears that we have some players playing annoyingly safe with Eddie Brock using me as a convenient scapegoat for the possible backdoor last round. Whenever someone from the former Mary Jane House doesn't want to show their loyalties, they'll put up a former Peter House person for eviction. Such safe play HARMS me!

I need to destroy that group even more. None of them have talked to me about getting Eddie out for his double cross weeks ago, which is frustrating to me as a player because it makes me think he's weaseling his way back into their good graces. And I can't have that.

At the end of it all, I just want to get through this round safe as can be. I feel like I can never win power, otherwise I'm forced to show my hand. Yet, I can't trust anyone with my own safety in the game. So, I'm in a lose-lose situation week after week. I'll make it work somehow.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 9 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 9 CONFESSIONALS EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 11:25 pm

So, Sandman won the veto and immediately came to me for advice. I am slowly working him towards using the veto to save Harry and backdoor Lizard, who is my biggest rival in the game. He hates me and doesn't think that I deserve to be here, while I think he's a lying piece of shit who needs to be GONE for me to feel at all secure in this game.

Sandman's very much on the same page with me right now, so he's talking to Aunt May to see if she'd be willing to nominate Lizard if Harry were removed. I really hope this seed I've planted to save Harry works. Apparently, Lizard also has a special power so seeing the two guys with special powers on the block would be kind of sweet unless one of those powers involve putting dear ol' Betty Brant in danger.

Oh please dear lord, no Coup d'Etat or Diamond Veto!!!
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