Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: WEEK 12 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 12 CONFESSIONALS EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 3:05 am

I totally spaced tonight. I missed the HOH and showed up halfway through the POV, at a time when I was already eliminated. I'm such a horrible player.


Sandman ran away with both the HOH and POV this round, and my boys Spider Man and J. Jonah are now on the block. I don't want to say goodbye to either one of them, but now I don't have a choice. One has to go, and I'm the fucking swing vote.

Doctor Octopus wants me to vote out Spider Man, but Sandman told me that he doesn't have a preference on who goes. Aunt May and Gwen don't know what to do, so I'm the biotch looked upon to make the decision. greeeeeeat

I don't get why the fuck I have to be the swing vote all the time. Evil or Very Mad

I don't want to vote out Spider Man when he's proven in the past to look out for me and help me out. Nothing against J. Jonah, but his track record with competitions hasn't been too great. Plus, I have a feeling that if we remove Spider Man from the game, then we're at the mercy of the villains and I don't like that prospect.

So, I'm probably going to swing Aunt May and Gwen Stacy to vote to keep Spider Man. As for Doctor Octopus, I'm going to play dumb and hope that he doesn't get pissed at me. Either way, I won't be on tomorrow and am at the mercy of luck.

I just hope that I'm not screwed by then.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 12 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 12 CONFESSIONALS EmptyTue Oct 02, 2012 1:39 pm

Aunt May and Gwen Stacy decided that voting out Spider Man was their best play, which has forced me to completely switch gears and try to cover my tracks. Worse yet, J. Jonah doesn't want to say for sure who he's going after when I know for sure that Spider Man would keep me safe.

Fuck those bitches. That's all. Rolling Eyes
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