Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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May Parker
Spider Man
Betty Brant
Mary Jane Watson
Eddie Brock
Aunt May
J. Jonah Jameson
The Lizard
Mary Jane
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 7:33 pm

JJ ad May will do an opening then you can ask questions jury.
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The Lizard

The Lizard

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 10:30 pm

*is waiting*
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 10:43 pm

Mine will be up in about 2 hours when I get home
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 10:53 pm


Spider Man

AND, a little surprise:

Amazing SM
Mary Jane
May Parker.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 10:59 pm

I will have mine up in approximatively 20 minutes.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptyFri Oct 12, 2012 11:13 pm

The site keeps crashing for me *crosses fingers it will let me post this time*.


I never thought I would make it this far. Even within my main alliance (Quack Pack) I always felt near the bottom. I tried hard and I played well socially so I am very happy to be here tonight. I did well for myself in the challenges but I was at a disadvantage not knowing much about Spider-Man or other comic book heroes/villains. But this has seriously been one of my favorite mystery games. There was something just nice and friendly about it and I played as loyal and sincere as I feel is possible in a game of this nature.

There will be no hard feelings with how you cast you vote. If you have any questions about my game please ask and I will answer with 100% honesty. I have nothing to hide.

Thank you MJ and Gwen for this fun game and thank you to the cast <3.
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySat Oct 13, 2012 1:54 am

I’m sure most of you aren’t super thrilled to see me here. Before the accusations start flying, I’m just going to go ahead and post that I was not inactive, useless, or stupid. I’ve been here, consistently, since that first night. I tried really hard to lay low, which was hard since I was nominated the first two weeks, but after that, I had a pretty easy ride to the finals. It would be nice if I could branch out and talk to a lot of people and be super social and win a bunch of challenges, but other people were already playing games like that and look where it got them. In this cast, laying low and trying to be as invisible as possible is what worked. You were all so much more concerned with taking out big players and making big moves and stirring the pot that you forgot about me ^_^. I'm not here because I'm an evil mastermind, I'm here partly because nobody bothered to vote me out.

Short list of ways I played a good game
-Survived 3 nominations unanimously.
-Never vetoed off the block or backdoored.
-Won 4 HOH’s (one of them was 2 parts)
-Won 2 vetoes (I believe I won more competitions than anyone else this season?)

Is it really frustrating and annoying that I waited until so late to start winning challenges? Yes, I’d imagine it is to you guys. I’m not saying I threw every competition I didn’t win, but the end-game challenges meant a great deal more to me and got more of my attention (also, they were easier and the biggest challenge whores were out).

I’m so ready to do this. Bring it <3
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Eddie Brock

Eddie Brock

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: To Aunt May & JJ   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySat Oct 13, 2012 5:48 pm

Anyone that makes it to the finals is deserving but I will say this. One of you clearly did more in this game to play than the other. With that being said, JJ, congrats on winning 2 HOHs and the final HOH in the very end of the game. I don't even remember you winning anything when I was here JJ but congrats, infact you were pretty inactive. You even said so yourself that you didn't care about this game. You pretty much got lucky. Yeah I said it and I really don't care. Aunt May, I don't know how loyal you were to me or how many challenges you won. I know you were here almost every challenge ready to play and win since the beginning of this game so I respect that of you.

My jury question for the both of you is....

Besides for winning challenges, what impressions or memorable moments did you make in this game?

My question for Aunt May.

Do you think people did not like you in this game?

My question for JJ.

Why were you inactive for most of this game, and why did you say you didn't care about this game?
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySat Oct 13, 2012 6:44 pm

Laughing you're cute.

Um, no, I didn't get totally lucky. I worked to get to the finals. If you had won a string of challenges to get yourself here, you'd be bragging about it, right? So, I'm not going to let you take challenge wins away from me, sorry. I was also here for pretty much every challenge that didn't fall on a Thursday and alternating Mondays. Had I participated 100% of the time, I would have made a name for myself as a challenge whore. My endgame proves I was a legitimate threat in challenges (that many wins isn't an accident or a fluke). The people who were trying that hard kept getting voted out. I'm assuming nobody wanted to vote me out because I was "so good in challenges," correct? So, there. Strategy legitimized. It would be one thing if I never won anything and said "oh, guys, that was my plan all along!" But I have the wins to back up my claim from my opening statement

Quote :
I was not inactive, useless, or stupid.

Also, one of my vetoes was earlier in the game and you were there.

To answer your question for me-

The night I won that veto, I threw a hissy fit about how nobody wanted to talk to me or align with me. From that outburst, I got PMs from Gwen, Aunt May, and you Eddie. I told everyone who would listen that I was alone and ready to be used for a vote*, and I got a lot of information out of that in terms of alliances and loyalties.

Obviously, I cared about the game. I was here as much as possible, constantly talking to a few people at a time, and working my tiny hiney off once we got down to like F7ish**. If I truly didn't care, I would be out. Nobody makes it to the end without caring lol.

*= When talking to Betty, we bonded over how boring the game was without anyone screaming at each other. That wasn't strategic, that was just be talking.

**= I don't mean that I just started playing at F7, so don't jump on that please. If I played throughout the whole game as I did closer to the end, I would be out for sure. It just didn't make sense to play like that when there was no way I could make it to the end.

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Mary Jane Watson

Mary Jane Watson

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySat Oct 13, 2012 8:16 pm

Congrats to both of you on making the finals. Smile

Now I want both of you to tell me why the other person does NOT deserve to win this game over you.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySat Oct 13, 2012 8:59 pm

Hi Eddie

I want to first say that you were that person I felt drawn to. My original final 2 was ASM but something about you lured me in more than the others. I remember you going after the Quack Pack and I couldn't even be mad at you. However I did have my doubts about how loyal you were to me. Things got clear when you won the HOH after ASM left and I asked you if I was safe. I think from that day on I took my "school girl crush" I had for you into a trusting relationship. I didn't really show emotion in this game until Betty got the best of my nerves. I figured it was smarter to act like I was always happy and accepting of decisions but in fact I was really mad when you left.

Quote :
My jury question for the both of you is....

Besides for winning challenges, what impressions or memorable moments did you make in this game?

I had a really good social game and made sure to stay on people's good side. I had a buddy friendship with Betty. She was picked on a lot at first for not being here for most of the challenges so I decided to make her feel safe so I could have her come merge and in the event the Quack Pack flopped. I also had my day 1 alliance with ASM and Mary Jane. Sadly we were split up from Mary Jane but I kept contact with her. I had the Quack Pack which was my main alliance that comprised of ASM, Eddie, Gwen and Peter. We were basically the active alliance on our side so I made deals with Octopus and Lizard to stay away from nominating actives in the first few HOH wins so I would keep my active alliance safe. I really really wanted to see my QP alliance make it to the final 5 but when it started crumbling I got closer to Sandman and Jonas. I just kept having to re-adjust and not rely on the challenges. Let's face it, I won a few HOH's and maybe a veto but I was not the main challenge threat in this game. My knowledge of Spider-Man and anything Comics related is really weak so i ended up being average in challenge wins. At least I won some challenges though so I don't discredit myself. I hope I gave you a nice overview of how I had to use my social skills to keep me and my own alive in this game as long as I could.

Quote :
My question for Aunt May.

Do you think people did not like you in this game?

I thought people liked me. I honestly thought I was playing an honest, upfront and stand-up game until Betty told me it wasn't so. I do believe, or maybe I should say hope, that you, ASM and Gwen still like me. I hope everyone likes me but I don't think I did anything to merit hate from the 3 of you. Others could hate me for having a big or small part in them getting voted out. Sad
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySat Oct 13, 2012 10:07 pm

Thanks, MJ-

I hate to harp on challenge wins, so I hope this is the last I have to defend that.

Ok, in the course of this game, winning challenges meant a lot, right? That's why everyone was always competing? Why is it that during the game, nothing matters more than who wins HOH/Veto, but once the jury process starts, suddenly nobody gives a shit? If you guys value winning hoh/veto at all, then I deserve the win partly because I won 7 challenges (more than anyone else this season) and May won 2, maybe 3.

May is also the source of that smell we've all been too afraid to talk about all season long. I believe her pearl earrings are actually moth balls.

May also, at least IMO, was too afraid to do things herself. She really wanted Doc gone way before final 4, but never bothered to win an hoh or a veto to make it happen. I don't know if she COULDNT win or if she was just trying to keep her hands clean, but whatever. With a few exceptions, the bootlist from like F9 onward was ideal for me and I know it's not the order that May wanted. Maybe she was hoping to sway whoever won HOH, but her bootlist didn't come to fruition. And if she didn't have a bootlist, then she was just playing round by round hoping to avoid nominations, which I guess is also a legitimate strategy.

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 1:04 am

I don't really have anything that's bothering me too much. Regardless of what the jury thinks about you, I think you two both did something impressive. After all, you two are in the finals and people can call it "karma" and we can call it "bitter grapes". Doesn't make an impact regardless of how you look at it.

To the both of you:

1. Please list three good things about each juror and one bad thing.

That's all. I want the jury to know that you've acknowledged their presence in the game Smile Good luck to the two of you!
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The Lizard

The Lizard

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 12:22 pm

Where do i even START with this final 2!!!

I was so ready to vote for Gwen, because even though she was sooo annoying, at least she was honest with me.

Can't say the same thing about you, Aunt May Parker. I love how you were super nice and friendly to me during the earlier parts of the game, but once you had no use for me, you stopped talking to me. Now, I dont care if you had other deals with other players, i mean, go for it. But when I make a promise to someone that I am going to be loyal to them, I keep my promise. You were THE first person I talked to, so I was hoping that at least you would be honest with me during my stay in the game. But like I said, you stopped talking to me, so lolwtf.

But even with all that, youre still not as bad as....him. That guy sitting next to you. You pretty much started playing once all the challenge threats were gone (me and Eddie and Sandman), i dont know, maybe because you were too afraid? Eddie said that you said that you didnt care about this game? Well, I am not surprised someone like you would say that.

BUT, going back to what I said to Aunt May. You, JJ, i dont hate you or dislike you because you stopped talking to me. In fact, you didnt talk to me AT ALL. Your social game with me sucked. It almost feels like you didnt care to at least be fake and friendly to some jurors, maybe get a couple of votes in the process.

So I am basing my vote not on who played the "best" game, because in my humble opinion, I think both of you pretty much sucked at it. I am basing my vote on who is less "fake" and less of an ass kisser during this jury questioning.

Thank you. Lizard out.

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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 12:57 pm

I'll do Sandman's when I get off work. MY response to Lizard will take less time.


I never talked to you because I wanted you out. What was I supposed to say to you? "Good luck in HOH! ^_^ xoxo <3" Nope. And if you seriously think I "didn't start playing" until F7, then you obviously can't read because I've been explaining that I have been playing the entire game. The only reason you're saying I didn't play the whole game was because I wasn't winning challenges I guess. Because I WAS here for a huge majority of the challenges, and constantly talking to people (just not you. Because I wanted you out). But once I did "start playing the game" IE winning challenges, you're mad that I relied on that to get me to the finals AND refuse to give me credit? What do you want from me then?

This was my way of getting to the finals and. it. worked. Whatever you were doing didn't, so don't get mad at me.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 3:06 pm

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Hello, finalists. Before I address you two with my statements and brief questions, I want to take the moment to congratulate the two of you for making to the finals. It's a spot that I desperately wanted and even though it kills me to reward someone with a win that I so desired to have as my own, I'm grateful for how far I made it despite having the worst luck ever and I did enjoy you two during the game even if not after. Today, you guys will get the real Betty Brant, not Batty Cunt who left the game amidst such hostility and anger. I was at a bad place (personally speaking, don't ask) and losing this game broke my heart. C'est la vie.

I'll start with Jonah. I was buying what you were saying until you said that "no one" thought to take you out, which was a very false statement. In fact, it was your reasoning/excuse for targeting me the round I left because you correctly knew that I wanted to keep Spider Man, who saved me from sure death and kept me safe for several rounds as HOH. You can't really blame me there, as I wasn't the HOH who put you two up. Also, I want to make clear that I couldn't ever target you in this game, at least not when I was HOH. It was only when you were up against my closest ally in the game (at that point) that I even thought of voting you out, so for you to imply in your obese nomination ceremony that you had one over on me is nothing short of laughable. Basically, even though it made sense for me to go after you on several occasions, I couldn't because I had made a promise to someone else that I couldn't break. I can explain more to you after the game, but now is not the time for it. I just needed to get that out there.

That being said, J. Jonah, I want you to detail why you picked me to leave the week I did and your thought process in targeting me when the other girls were in the exact same spot as me (voters) and agreed with me to vote you out too. I felt completely shut out and felt that you made your targeting me much more mallcious than it had to be, which is funny that you say that you wanted to win a Big Brother game because the Jonah I saw that night wasn't playing wise if he wanted to retain my jury vote. Then, I want you to reflect on if treating me so poorly was necessary to your game and now knowing how poorly you came off to me (a future juror), do you feel that you could have handled yourself better as HOH?

Onto the hard one... Sad

Aunt May, I've already expressed my utmost dissatisfaction with you. I want to make it clear all over again that I wasn't playing a character or trying to bully you that night. I was legitimately pissed at you for changing the vote from Jonah to Spider Man completely behind my back, which I feel left me shut out (thankfully Gwen was more honest to me than you were about that vote) and thrown to the wolves the next round, where I had no fighting chance to save myself due to yet another Fast Forward week (major ugh @ how commonplace those got in this game). I was so frustrated by how you behaved that week, though if anything, I had planned to leave with as little ripple as possible but you opened up fire with your unnecessary comment regarding me being a bitter Betty and that's where you got it and you got it good. Whether you see it or not, I am entitled for my feelings and while I somewhat feel bad for how viciously I went at you, I still think you did me very wrong and should you get my vote, you will be one lucky ma'am indeed.

Now, I want you to explain to me what I was to you in the game. I feel as though you saw me as a extra, meaningless number that you planned to discard at a convenient opportunity when you made it quite clear in our battle that you had very little to no respect for me (claiming I "never showed up" and didn't respect my upfront approach to the game). Which, if true, is very unfortunate to say the least because I completely gave you my heart the night you lectured me about not talking to anyone in Peter House and felt like we bonded heavily in this game. So, yeah, I feel like I need to hear it from the horse's mouth because it's a sad thought to think that I bonded more to someone than they did to me. Sad

I wish you two the best of luck with this jury. I can't say that I'm too terribly impressed with the way this game ended up, but I do think you are both deserving in your own ways and am voting on who played the better game. Contrary to what it may seem, the jury house has susprisingly been pleasant and some intelligent conversations have taken place there. This is a smart bunch that have legitimate reasons for feeling what they're feeling, so choose your words and fights carefully. Good luck with that, and may the best Marvel character win. Smile
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 3:07 pm

I want to address Lizard first.

I can understand where you're coming from but I have one tiny little defense. Sometimes when you don't come on the site for a day or whatever it doesn't show there's a new post. The post in our secret room where you called me a fake bitch I just saw today when trying to see our interactions in that room. I'm curious by nature so at the very least even if I don't answer, I still look and that was not something I saw before.

But you are 100% right I did stop talking as much. Sadly I can't show PM proof but I know I replied to you when you would PM me and I know you also got quieter.

But you are acting mighty entitled to my loyalty and I don't get the full extent of the why. Yes we talked early on but the only deal we made was to not nominate each other while in houses. Also every time the Quack Pack suggested you for a nominee I always tried to sway it to someone else, mainly Octopus (Sorry Doctor Oc). That was pre merge. Once we merged Betty crammed in our heads that there was a villains alliance and a 2012 alliance. Both alliances technically would include you and NOT include me. If I had asked you about that you wouldn't have said "Yes May I am in both those alliances" just like I wouldn't have said "Yes Lizard, we do have a Quack Pack alliance." It came to a crossroad and instead of talking your eyes out with fakeries and lies I just simmered down on the interaction. You were also guilty of it as you only really talked to me when you wanted to know how I was voting.

Now I do take responsibility and I know maybe those alliances were just made up by Betty or someone else that planted it in Betty's ear. I tried to stay out of the drama surrounding them but Eddie didn't make it easy when he went after our alliance over the villains.

In the end though you are mad at me now for gradually talking less and less to you while if I had continued you would just be mad at me for wasting your time with lies and dishonesty. If you don't vote me over it, I won't be upset, you can play and vote the way you want to. If people can't vote based on the game played then so be it, Jonas wins. But please remember that you didn't go above and beyond to secure my loyalty to you and I have to assume you had other things going on. I'm sure you were not solely relying on an old fart like me.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 3:30 pm

My answer to Mary Jane's question,

Quote :
Now I want both of you to tell me why the other person does NOT deserve to win this game over you.

Well let me start by countering some things Jonas said while answering this very same question. He says that I didn't try or want to get my hands filled with blood but when you look at the thread where Betty was evicted it looks like blood was all over my hands already. You are asking my old brain to remember things of the past but I feel like during one of my HOH's I did put Octopus on the block so it was not about being scared or wanting clean hands. I already stated this, the challenges were on topics I am not familiar with. I assume you Jonas and others like Eddie and Lizard are fans of Spider-Man or comic books in general. I bet some of the answers you didn't even have to google while I did. When Tara asked me to join I declined BECAUSE of my lack of knowledge on the theme and she promised I wouldn't need it. Laughing. Anyways, I was here at each challenges, I won a few and came close on a few more (Those luck challenges with cases you had to open, I almost won those). Do not try to pimp your challenge wins by saying I threw because I can bring up a time you threw :p. Challenge wins are important, very important in my opinion. But it's equally important to be social, make alliances and it's important to try during challenges. Only one person can win each challenge but I doubt only one person shows up to them. I was very active for challenges and I did try.

On to the part where I actually answer Mary Jane. I think I deserve it more than Jonas due to trying in all portions of a game like this while he only tried in the challenges portion. I went out of my way to try and talk to everyone at least once and get a feel for who I meshed with. I can't know if we would get along and have blossoming alliance if I don't talk to you, so I talked to everyone at first and from there I solidified alliances and stayed loyal to them. People yell at me for voting Peter out but he was up against another QP member, one I was closer to. Betty gets angry with me over the vote when she went home but I had grown closer to Sandman and we meshed better. Heck I remember having an silly girl crush on Harry for bit but he was rarely here to make that grow.

While Jonas can put his list of accomplishments as

- Won 7 challenges
- Showed up to about 40% of challenges

I can make mine look like

- Won challenges
- Showed up to 95% of the challenges
- Tried in 95% of the challenges
- Talked to everyone in the game
- Stayed loyal (I can't be loyal to every player but I stayed loyal to the alliance I believed in most)

Simply put Jonas was like a fart in the wind. He was MIA and then Wham Bam thank you Mam he won a bunch of challenges and got to the end. While I was here and active from day one and putting my heart and soul into it.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 3:39 pm


Jonas, I read all of your answers now instead of just looking for my name Laughing. I do have to apologize if I'm jumping on the train with people saying you were only active in the last potion of the game. Personally I didn't notice you or realize you were there until the merge and that's why I feel that way. Once we started talking you were really cool and funny and didn't make any of it dramatic. You were a dorkier version of Sandman and that's why I got so close to both of you after the Quack Pack broke up. I felt like both of you were a nice break from the drama that these games bring. I may be shooting myself in the foot with all this but it is true that once we started talking it was often and continuous.

You were not as active as I was and I will keep referencing that when asked why I deserve it more but it wasn't as bad as people try to make it.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 5:06 pm

Sandman I will answer you now

Quote :
1. Please list three good things about each juror and one bad thing.

This is a big jury. I hate you for this . Sandman I just want to preface this by saying I can't be more curious about your identity. Some people I feel like I might know but you are a mystery and I ended up liking you so much, it makes me nervous to find out yours.

Amazing SM -
Nice thing #1: Strong. During this game he had to go build a shed and I found that to be pretty hot and shows he's a strong guy.
Nice thing #2: Loyal. He was always loyal to me and as far as I know he was loyal to the QP.
Nice thing #3: Approachable. I didn't feel scared to talk with him and share ideas I had. He was very inviting.
Bad thing: Oblivious. I feel like he wasn't aware of what was happening around him in this game. The wool was pulled over him easily by Eddie.

Mary Jane:
Nice thing #1: Friendly. Mary Jane was a really friendly girl and she could have turned into a legit social threat.
Nice thing #2: Nice: I don't think Mary Jane had a mean bone in her body.
Nice thing #3 Classy: Mary Jane took her eviction and eviction week with class.
Bad thing: Naive. I think you trusted some of the wrong people in this game or made the wrong alliances.

Nice thing #1: Charming. Harry had a way about him that was very charming and appealing. Something drew me to him the minute he said hello.
Nice thing #2: Knowledgeable. Harry seemed to be a power challenge player when he was there for them and sounds like he knows about this theme.
Nice thing #3: Sweet: Like Mary Jane I don't think Harry was a mean person, I feel like he wouldn't hurt a fly.
Bad thing: Distracted. I found a few times you thought he was here for the challenge and then he would just be gone once it started. He had the potential to go far in this game but was too distracted I assume with real life but I don't know.

May Parker:
Nice thing #1: Sassy. May Parker was my bitchier and sassier side.
Nice thing #2: Dangerous. She was a pawn everyone always wanted to keep.
Nice thing #3: Good Sport. She never made a fuss about her role in this game.
Bad thing: I think she didn't try hard enough.

Spider Man:
Nice thing #1: Peter was really understanding about everything.
Nice thing #2: Gutsy. He was really gutsy with his decisions and moves.
Nice thing #3: Respectful. Even when he fought with people Peter was always respectful.
Bad thing: Peter didn't broaden his horizons in this game. I feel like he closed himself out of making many social ties.

Nice thing #1: Eddie was really laid back and funny with me during our private interactions. It made it easy for me to want him around.
Nice thing #2: Even though he broke our main alliance there was something very trustworthy with him towards me. I still trusted him when everyone else in our alliance didn't.
Nice thing #3: He was a fighter. Always here giving his 110%.
Bad thing: I think he took it too hard when Peter used the veto and forced him to make a nomination he didn't want to make. IMO it wasn't a person dig at Eddie but he took it personal and then the QP was no more.

Nice thing #1: Consistent. Betty was always consistent in how she interacted. I don't know how to explain it but I just feel consistent is the best word.
Nice thing #2: She has a fire in her that flares and she isn't scared to shake thinks up.
Nice thing #3: Loyal. To my knowledge she was a loyal ally.
Bad thing: Earlier I explained that I talked to everyone at least once so I could get a feel for who I meshed well. Betty and her quests to out alliances was something that made the mesh severe between us and I found most of it unnecessary. Generating drama for show is annoying to me. We're not some Hollywood production. A little condescending too.

Nice thing #1: Octopus was a mystery to me. It scared me but I like when people can leave things up to people's interpretations and he certainly did that.
Nice thing #2: Major challenge force when he was there for them. He was a threat from day one.
Nice thing #3: Understanding. He didn't expect miracles. I think Octopus was well aware of his place in this game and understood why he was there. During the final 4 veto we exchanged some PMs and he understood and never made a fuss.
Bad thing: For someone with such a promising future in this game with his challenge abilities, Octopus fell short socially by being so cold and secluded. Maybe he was different with others but that's how I saw him. A threat who I felt closed-in and cold.

Nice thing #1: Really quirky which made me laugh in the earlier parts of the game.
Nice thing #2: Honest. I feel like everything he said to me was the truth.
Nice thing #3: Someone else who was really good in challenges. I believe he won the banner challenge so he's obviously talented and artistic.
Bad thing: Lizard is just coming off a bit arrogant and bitter.

Nice thing #1: Awesome challenge player. He won a lot in this game at key times.
Nice thing #2: Really really laid back which made talking to him a joy.
Nice thing #3: Open minded. He always heard what others had to say and he never judged.
Bad thing: Maybe a bit too nice. It opened the door for people to use you.

Nice thing #1: Really chatty and social. She was always the first to PM. Nice girl Smile
Nice thing #2: Dependable. She let me take most of the blood on my hands but Gwen was always there to vote with me.
Nice thing #3: Active. Gwen never won anything but she was always there.
Bad thing: From what I'm told you might have been a little too social and annoyed some people with it.

This was hard since I don't know anyone on a personal level since I don't know identities and most of the talking was game talk.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 5:32 pm

Hi Betty, always a pleasure to read your novels.

Quote :
Aunt May, I've already expressed my utmost dissatisfaction with you. I want to make it clear all over again that I wasn't playing a character or trying to bully you that night. I was legitimately pissed at you for changing the vote from Jonah to Spider Man completely behind my back, which I feel left me shut out (thankfully Gwen was more honest to me than you were about that vote) and thrown to the wolves the next round, where I had no fighting chance to save myself due to yet another Fast Forward week (major ugh @ how commonplace those got in this game). I was so frustrated by how you behaved that week, though if anything, I had planned to leave with as little ripple as possible but you opened up fire with your unnecessary comment regarding me being a bitter Betty and that's where you got it and you got it good. Whether you see it or not, I am entitled for my feelings and while I somewhat feel bad for how viciously I went at you, I still think you did me very wrong and should you get my vote, you will be one lucky ma'am indeed.

Now, I want you to explain to me what I was to you in the game. I feel as though you saw me as a extra, meaningless number that you planned to discard at a convenient opportunity when you made it quite clear in our battle that you had very little to no respect for me (claiming I "never showed up" and didn't respect my upfront approach to the game). Which, if true, is very unfortunate to say the least because I completely gave you my heart the night you lectured me about not talking to anyone in Peter House and felt like we bonded heavily in this game. So, yeah, I feel like I need to hear it from the horse's mouth because it's a sad thought to think that I bonded more to someone than they did to me.

Wait, Peter was up against Jonas? I thought he was up against Gwen when I cast my vote Laughing. I must sound stupid in my other answers, I will have to go back and see what I read or remembered wrong.

To your question Betty I feel like I answered it already during our fight on your eviction thread. I also feel like no matter what I say you are not opening up your mind to fully understand it. In your head you see me as the "Big Bad" and you probably won't change that opinion. Something about what I did when I voted you out rang personal with you and it was just game for me. You approach this as a personal attack while I don't so I don't foresee you seeing it through my eyes. You see it from the eyes of a hurt Lamb and I'm the Wolf who chased you down and bit you in the rear. I will still try.

Our relationship and alliance went through a timeline of events and feelings in this game. It changed. If we go back to the very start of the game to your eviction:

Day 1: I was on the forum in the process of sending "Hello" PMs to the cast. Like I said, I wanted to feel everyone out and pick the people I meshed with better. I didn't send them to every single person but I did quickly talk to everyone in the game. You were on at the time and you replied which pinned you as the first person I talked to in this game. There was an instant connection but I couldn't plan the tribe pick and division.

During the "Tribes" portion: We were never on at the same time and I was talking to so many people at the very start of "houses" that I honestly forgot about you. You were nominated and something "lightbulbed" in my head and I thought "Oh yeah that's the sweet girl I talked to on day 1." To me I felt like you were rarely here but I will believe you if you say it isn't so. Maybe you and I just didn't log on at the same times so I never saw you on. I more than understand real life scheduling can make a person unable to attend challenges, but I felt like you didn't care. That was my person perception and since we got along well, I gave you the speech about talking to people so you could stay safe in your house. The key is that few days where we didn't talk and I forgot about you in this game. I made the Quack Pack alliance. I was the main person responsible for creating that alliance so I was very fond of it and it had my loyalty. Doesn't mean you were meaningless to me and doesn't mean I wanted to lose you. When you're in a 5 person alliance you have to expect a "Dan Gheesling" and you have to keep yourself covered if that alliance fails.

After merge: When we merged, we interacted a lot more and I was hoping it would be me and you if the Quack Pack dismembered. What made things change is all that drama surrounding the 2012 and villains alliances. Betty I can't tell you exactly what turned me off about it but something about me in this game didn't want drama. You were playing the outspoken "louder" person while I wanted to play the sweet innocent drama free character and the meshing started to unravel for the worst for me. As much as I felt drawn to you at first, I didn't feel drawn to you anymore. I wasn't going to personally go after you, I didn't hate you or want you out of the game. I was just not that into our alliance. I was melting for Sandman by that point and hardening towards you and the alliances drama. Another thing that started to worry me is how active you had become and you were a challenge threat. You seemed really close to Gwen, May Parker, Peter Parker and you kept defending Octopus. There was one time where I really wanted you to vote with me and you didn't (does someone have a list of each week in this game so I can be more specific with this?). I'm getting lost in the flow of this answer Laughing but basically it wasn't personal but things started not meshing between us and I became worried about you in this game while I started getting really close to Sandman.
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Aunt May

Aunt May

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PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 5:32 pm

I think those are all the questions so far. If anything I said it not quite clear please let me know and I'll try to clarify.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

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Hiya!!!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 6:01 pm

Contrary to popular belief, I was already exposing the 2012 to my benefit prior to my nomination. When I brought it out in public, I felt that I needed to make a drastic move like that and whether people see it or not, it's really what established me a lot of alliances and positioned me very well in the game as I didn't talk to people much prior to that. If I was nice Betty, I would have probably been shown the door much earlier since there was some reason that Spider Man removed me from the block over May Parker, who despite my love for her was much worse than I was in terms of not really caring much about this game.

I think that's where I was having problems at the start. I was coming off of a long string of games, so I do feel that you're somewhat justified to say that I didn't care that much at the start but that didn't mean that I was inactive or "never showed up" so I hope you can find it in your heart to take back such statements. The very first person I talked to in the Peter House was Flash Thompson, and we named our alliance the "Fuck-It Alliance" because we both were having similar issues just getting into the swing of things. Sadly, right when we teamed up and named our alliance, we were on the block together and he got sent home. lmao

Anyway, thanks for answeirng. I look forward to seeing what Jonah has to say.
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Spider Man

Spider Man

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PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 8:44 pm

Hey Aunt May and Jonah! I'm surprised at this Final 2!

Aunt May, just a clear-up, I was set on bringing you and Gwen to the Final 3 because we were, as you said, members of the QP. I am glad that a member of the Quack Pack made it to the Final 2 here today.

JJ, I really respect your game as you were able to survive quite a few times in this game, 2 of those times being at the very beginning of the game.

Not sure if I have any questions right now, but once I read everything else, I may very well have one ready. Wink
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

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PostSubject: Re: Hiya!!!!!!!   Hiya!!!!!!! EmptySun Oct 14, 2012 9:03 pm

Just posting my lists for Sandman before I catch up.

May Parker-
Poor girl was nominated more than anyone and persevered. GJ!
Really funny in PMs
I don’t know WHY she kept being nominated (she wasn’t a big threat in my book) but she was really good at getting off the block or surviving evictions...except that one time.

One bad thing- She was kind of hostile towards Betty whenever Betty started exposing alliances that one night for funsies. I think that probably hurt her in the long run.

Cute <3
Was playing a similar game to me
Avoided drama

One bad thing- Never won a challenge, correct? So, if his back was against the wall, idk if he would have been able to save himself.

Mary Jane-
Pretty decent player “pre-merge”
Seemed to be enjoying the game
Posted a lot, which I guess is the only way to tell if she was “Active” right guys?

One bad thing- Didn’t ask me to use that veto on her, so I used it on May Parker. I knew I was going to use it, I just wasn’t sure on whom yet.

We rarely talked, but he campaigned for my vote. At that point in the game, very few nominees were asking me to keep them which is bizarre since I would have been willing to vote out anyone.
He was super loyal.
Was very jazzed about the game, from what I can remember.

I don’t really know enough to say 1 bad thing. Um, didn’t start talking to me until he was nominated isn’t great I guess.

Eddie Brock-
My original F2. I PMed him on the first night asking for an alliance and I think we both were meh about it, but later on in the game he messaged me and we worked together for a few game weeks. This shouldn’t be a positive thing, but so few people bothered trying to “scoop me up” it’s worth mentioning.

Really tough competitor, which I loved.

Shared my view of the game (I thought) by thinking it needed to be shaken up or someone needed to get drunk or something. After merge was a little boring, don’t you all agree?

One bad thing- I don’t think he was really loyal to me. I guess I’m the only one who considers that bad. I always felt like I was being used for a vote and not considered a legitimate ally. Before his eviction we hadn’t spoken for a few days, which raised a red flag for me.

One of his vetoes was used to save himself, so yay you.
Really active on the forum from the beginning.
Stuck with his alliance until the end.

One bad thing- you were so self-righteous. That night you said that “2 people don’t deserve to be here.” was ridiculous. Unless you’ve read everyone’s confessionals and PM convos, you don’t get to be the authority on who deserves to be here and what constitutes good gameplay.

Spider Man
Really straightforward and easy to talk to.
Forgiving, lol. I think I was really mean to him when we first spoke, and after that he didn’t~ hold it against me.~
Seemed to be open to making deals and not “stuck” in an alliance.

Bad thing- I’m assuming you did something wrong the night you were evicted because I didn’t have to campaign super hard for votes.

Betty <3
In it to win it.

Bad thing- I already said this to you, but I only nominated you because the round Spider Man went home I thought I had to campaign a little too hard for your vote when we were an offical alliance in my book. IMO, I should have just been able to count on your vote. I shouldn’t have to campaign to my own alliance to keep me.

So rational and easy going! Seriously the most laid back person here.
Totally understanding and accepting of whatever happened in the game.
So good in competitions.

Bad thing- Hard to come up with something because you didn’t make many mistakes from what I could tell. I think if you had won that last veto, you’d still be here. I think maybe you were too trusting? You had every reason to hate me and go after me hardcore and maybe you should have done that. I’m glad you didn’t though.

Doctor Octopus
Quiet and stealthy like a ninja.
So smart and ~into~ the game.
Really fun to strategize with. I feel like once we started talking, we found out we had been on the same page for most of the game lulz.

Bad thing- I think your social game was lacking near the end, because everyone was talking about how you barely spoke to them about your votes and seriously everyone was gunning for you way before F4 except me. I wouldn’t have minded being in the finals even though you would have destroyed me, you deserve to be here over May and I, for sure.

So much fun to talk to about the game.
If you ever lied to me, I was totally fooled. I trusted you 100% in this game.
Very ~in the know~ on most things going on in the game.

Bad thing- I believe you had conflicting F2 deals with May and myself, right? That’s what May said so maybe it’s not true. Also,I won’t drag it out, but your argument for me to take you to the finals wasn’t very convincing. It would have taken A LOT to change my mind, but it felt like you were distracted or someothing when you were making your case.

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