Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 11:32 pm

So, rather than showing up and kicking ass tonight, I decided to go hang out with my friends instead and now I fear I may have screwed myself. Aunt May from the other house won HOH, so I may be able to squeak past this week. However, I'm not sure given that the old bag probably talked to anything that can walk by now.

I told her that she was the only one that I have spoken with in private, and that is so the truth. I even hinted at an alliance between the two of us, but I'm not sure how well that will pan out. We'll just have to wait and see for nominations to get posted. At least she didn't post nominations right away, so I may have some time to sway her away from putting me up.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS EmptyMon Sep 10, 2012 11:53 pm

I went to Aunt May and asked that she not nominate me. I even majorly hinted at an alliance between the two of us, even though I typically don't believe in cross-tribal/house connections. She said that I was in consideration for nomination, but that she would keep me safe both pre- AND post-veto if I showed up to the veto. I'm not even sure if I can come to the veto, but was this girl telling her that? Hell nawww!

That doesn't mean that I didn't get away from the chopping block without a slap on my wrists. The bitch lectured me about starting to talk to people in my own house, which is something that doesn't take an old crypt like her to know is necessary. I just prefer to wait for alliances, but I guess I better start being a little more aggressive if I have hopes of not being alone for the rest of my life.

So, I shot out a PM to Harry to see if he'd be up for an alliance. He made me a drink our first night, and I have been shy about talking to him for a few days now just because he's the hot fudge that makes my ice cream melt. I typically hate showmances, but if I have to start forming some deals, I might as well use it as an excuse to talk to the cute guys. Harry's got the looks, but does he have the brains to accept my deal?

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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

Posts : 982
Join date : 2012-08-26

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS EmptyTue Sep 11, 2012 9:55 pm

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D6 Female

H - 55
A - 6
D - 6
S - 75
C - 6

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D10 Male

H - 78
A - 8
D - 6
S - 72
C - 3.

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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 4 CONFESSIONALS EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 1:33 am

I kissed my way through this week pretty easily. Aunt May told me that I was safe, so I didn't concern myself much with showing up to the competition. Now is not the time that I must prove myself as a competitor. There's a time and a place for such business. Now's not it.

I finally reached out to two guys in my house.

Harry - Total cutie pie. I totally wanted to jump those bones of his the minute we got into this game, but I was worried about it being a one-sided crush and Lord knows this bitch ain't getting the Danielle from BB14 treatment. I put on my elegant and sophisticated composure and casually asked him for an alliance, and he not only accepted but was a complete hornball about it on top of it. Let me give you a hint of how he was behaving:

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Uhh, yeah. lmao. Part of me finds it a little bit cute in a pervy way, but whether the trust will be there or not remains to be seen. He's an interesting choice for a showmance now, anyway.

Flash - This is the alliance that I am really intrigued to pursue. I am like 95% sure who this guy is on IMDb, and I've wanted to work with him for like EVER. Whether he suspects me or not remains to be seen, but we both kind of are having a hard time getting into this game because we're coming off of several games on IMDb and are kind of burned out. So, we're going to establish the "Fuck It Alliance" and see where it takes us. The guy clearly has heart though to win the POV tonight, so that could be good for me. He seems relatively down to Earth as well and is more likely than Harry to be starting at a clean slate. So, I think I can trust him more.

I haven't really spoken to anyone else, other than Aunt May in the other house. That's a secret cross-house alliance, and I'm hoping she's keeping to her word by putting me in a good light with everyone. She said that she was going to do that, so I can only hope. I was a bit surprised that "the other May Parker" got nominated from our house when Flash removed himself from the block, but it's a pleasant surprise. I'm mostly glad that it wasn't me on the block for missing the competition. I'll probably cast my vote to evict that deadbeat Lily, but I'm going to see what my boys think first.

Until next time, xoxox <3
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