Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS EmptyFri Sep 14, 2012 1:28 am

So, I'm still sneaking off in the middle of the night to bang that hunk Flash Thompson in a cheap motel room. Even though he's no longer here in the game, I find that he's a soul with a lot of fight and it's such a fuckin' shame that he's no longer here as I feel that he could have been such a great ally to have in this game. Ugh.

Anyways, moving on.... after one of our romps, he told me a bit of valuable information: The players from the 2012 Spiderman movie The Amazing Spider-Man have an alliance. Oh, is that so now? How very nice.

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Gwen Stacy, May Parker, The Lizard, Amazing Spiderman, and J. Jonah Jameson (maybe?) all seem to be rolling together. And somehow poor Flash Thompson got the short end of the stick.

I would expose the shit out of this alliance in public because frankly this biotch couldn't care less, but I sense that forming an alliance based so loosely on which movie you were from is stupid and illogical. It may work for them for now, but sooner or later their true intentions will seep through and backstabbing is going to start happening. I just need to think of a way to get that alliance to collapse in on itself, and I must do it with caution.

I think I am going to somehow wedge myself in there somehow so that I am no longer this expendable piece of trash they seem to see me as. I may also start dropping hints to non-2012 people, like Harry and Aunt May. That alliance will not be sailing once this hurricane of a woman gets through with them.

Stay tuned.

Last edited by Betty Brant on Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS EmptySun Sep 16, 2012 2:30 pm

I haven't dropped the bomb of the 2012 alliance yet. I did hint at it to Harry and Aunt May, but I'm a little shaky in my boots at the prospect of exposing such a powerful alliance. It could come back on me, even though it was Flash who told me.

I'm one of three people who actually did HOH, so it would be ~glorious~ if I actually won it. I could actually kick this game into gear and put up the powerful players. Gwen Stacy would be my target numero uno, since I'm hearing that she's the HBIC and leader of that alliance. Bitch has GOT to go!

This bitch ain't afraid of making a big move. It's been frustrating seeing people pansy out in their nominations. I guarantee that I won't. I'll also seriously lol if I win it and have several people who haven't bothered talking to me before try talking to me to butter me up to not nominate them. I don't think so, peachies. <3

Please like my entry, judges.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS EmptyMon Sep 17, 2012 3:42 pm

Well, luck wasn't on my side seeing as Sandman ran away with HOH. Damn, I wanted to be the biotch to nominate two 2012 allies and officially kick this game in gear. Now, I have to PM Sandman (whom I have had no contact with yet in this game) and convince him to do my bidding. This will be interesting, and by that I mean insanely frustrating. I hope he's a smart person.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS EmptyMon Sep 17, 2012 6:03 pm

It turns out that nobody has bothered to get in Sandman's ears about anything, which surprises me. I am pushing him to nominate two players from the 2012 crowd. He's thinking Amazing Spiderman and Doctor Octopus, but I'm pushing him to nominate two from 2012 instead of just one. I guess Doctor Octopus blew Sandman off, but I am just sick of people pussying out and nominating people for shit-stained reasons. You know there's an established 5-person alliance, Sandman... use your HOH wisely and don't let them squeak by! Dear God please don't let this HOH go to waste!

It doesn't help that I keep noticing that atrocious slut Gwen Stacy looming the forum, probably plotting and scheming in the corner with her vicious coven.

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I'm gunning for you, bitch.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS EmptyTue Sep 18, 2012 1:48 am

This fucking Gwen bitch is trying to feel me out and find out who I talk to. The nerve of that tramp, who does she think she is? I'm smearing your name through the mud, bitch, and you may get out sweet ol' Mary Jane due to Sandman's blind nature, but you're going to have to try a little harder to crack Betty Brant. I'm on to your schemes. I only wish other people would wake up and smell the roses, but not everyone can be as smart as me I guess.

You wait until tomorrow's HOH competition. This foolishness has gone on long enough.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 6 CONFESSIONALS EmptyTue Sep 18, 2012 3:19 pm

Well, Mary Jane and Amazing Spiderman are on the block. I for the life of me cannot understand the nomination of Mary Jane. I told Sandman that we needed two 2012 members on the block, but he refused to listen to me. Based on his language, he put Amazing Spiderman on the block (veto replacement) against Mary Jane to test the waters. Clearly this is a play off of what I revealed to him, but we cannot waste a fucking HOH week testing the waters. You've got to have the balls to make the move, brother.... you could be gone next week. Hell, even I could be gone next week. If 2012 takes over, I'm going to blame Sandman's cowardice for it.

Even though I am a woman, I feel like I have bigger balls than the men in this game. I'm so fucking sick of this shit and am blood-thirsty for that HOH.
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