Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Spiderman Big Brother.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: WEEK 10 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 10 CONFESSIONALS EmptyTue Sep 25, 2012 11:13 pm

I was so fucking thrilled to win tonight's HOH competition! cheers

Even if one of these rat bastards stick around to finish me off next week, I got the sheer satisfaction of putting these two cunts on the block.

Betty Brant has finally had her day.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 10 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 10 CONFESSIONALS EmptyThu Sep 27, 2012 1:07 am

I nominated Eddie Brock and The Lizard for eviction. I always said that I intended on making a big move if I got my ass in a seat of power, and I did just that. This game has gotten sickening with all these safe plays being made, with several people constantly being kept safe as those poor, unfortunate souls like myself repeatedly got nominated week after week. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes That shit had to stop, and frankly I would have been up creek without a paddle if Lizard had taken that HOH from me. Thank god it didn't happen.

Then, we played the POV competition and I sucked. lol Lizard ended up winning it, but it could have been worse. Eddie was my main target all along, so thank you Lizard for keeping it out of Eddie's hands. Very Happy

After Lizard removed himself from the block, I had to deal with the mission of nominating a pawn to sit up there next to him so that he goes. At first, I anticipated it being cake with nominating J. Jonah as a pawn. Unfortunately, I had to deal with people's bullshit that made me double guess everything and anything.

Not direct quotes, but they capture the annoying and noncommittal BULLSHIT that was completely uncalled for!

"It may not be wise to put up J. Jonah Jameson against Eddie, for Jonah doesn't talk to anyone really." - Aunt May (um... we easily had the majority but ty i guess?)

"I do not feel right voting against Eddie if you put up Jonah. Why don't you put up Aunt May instead?" - Doctor Octopus (obvious try to take over my HOH... sorry, try again)

and my absolute favorite scratch

"I will not vote for Eddie if he's against Doctor Octopus. Doctor Octopus is my number one target." - Gwen Stacy (o_o... so, my goal means absolutely NOTHING to you?)

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I mean, really? That last one especially annoyed the fuck out of me. Did these people forget that it was Betty Brant who was HOH this week? I call the shots... I am the judge, the jury, and the executioner if need be. These people were too busy looking after their own asses and being ungrateful cunts that they wouldn't tell me AT all what I wanted to hear, nor would they look past their own selfish goals to think at all for what I wanted. If I wanted to put up Jameson next to Eddie and ask that you vote him out, then at least be grateful teammates and vote Eddie's fucking ass out. Don't give me these fucking conditions after I just saved your asses from the motherfucking block by winning HOH.

After one bullshit message too many, I decided to start fucking around with these players out of sheer frustration. I hinted at the Quack Pack alliance in the veto thread, which is maybe the large reason why the Gwen absolutely REFUSED to vote Eddie out over Doctor Octopus. It was mostly a tool to put people on edge and make them think that perhaps being wishy washy toward me wasn't the wisest course to take.

Luckily, I had Spiderman and Jameson online and these guys are smart and direct. They are honest and real, at least I think so. Jonah didn't give me any shit... he told me what I already knew: Gwen was the most well-connected of them all. Spiderman, on the other hand, admitted that the only way Eddie would go would be to nominate either Gwen, Spiderman, or Aunt May next to him. He also never seemed to waver much on wanting Eddie out, since Eddie had declared warfare on Spiderman a few weeks ago. I like these guys and feel like they are legit.

As for Gwen, though... she tried my patience too much. I hate the pawn strategy... absolutely hate it. But after the night I had and feeling so frustrated, I decided to just nominate Gwen. I told her it was coming. If she wasn't going to vote off Eddie for my sake, then I needed to throw her ass on the block to FORCE her to ensure that Eddie goes for HER sake. I was just hoping that I wouldn't have to do it, but that's what she got for trying me. I'm sorry, but it was my HOH week... if you want to be ensured safety, then be a good ally and do as I say when I'm HOH and not limit my options so much. All you had to do was vote out Eddie, who was supposed to leave eventually. You can't have your cake and eat it too. That's NOT how it works under my watch, sorry.

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If Gwen goes, then it's not undeserved on her part. I do feel a bit dirty that I had to break my word to her after I had promised her safety, but she did this completely to herself. I still want Eddie gone, though... it removes one of my predators from the game since he infamously nominated me three fucking times. It also potentially cuts the head off of the rumored villains alliance since I get major alpha male vibes from this cocksucker. To kill the villains alliance would make Betty Brant the best superhero in this fucking game, imo.

I hope and pray that it happens!!! It'll be worth every fucking bridge I've burned this week as HOH.
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