Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: WEEK 8 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 8 CONFESSIONALS EmptySun Sep 23, 2012 1:47 am

I basically sucked at updating my confessional for this week, because I was sick to my stomach over Eddie Brock's schemes. I was trying to be nice to him, but the rat bastard has blew his chances with me. He decided to try me multiple times throughout this week, and I have had it up to HERE with him. I don't appreciate him or how he's playing this game one bit. So, get your seat belt on because I'm going to talk a whole lot of shit right here and he deserves every grain of my bitching. I haven't crossed paths with a player I hate in a long time, but this douche may just take the cake.

First, after Amazing Spiderman left, Eddie won HOH again and then had the AUDACITY to accuse me of voting to keep Amazing Spiderman after I told everyone including Amazing Spiderman himself that I voting him out. Why on Earth would I lie about such nonsense? I wanted to send a few more ripples in this quiet lake of a game we have going by posting a public rant admonishing people for accusing me of such things, but Eddie's like, "No, don't do it... I don't want you to be a target!" Then, he puts up Spider Man and May Parker with the intention of Spider Man leaving.

So, I obliged and kept my composure. Then, POV came. I took an early lead and possibly could have won, but I decided to throw that shit so that Spider Man could win it. I could tell that Eddie wanted to oust Spider Man, and I didn't need to be showing my true loyalties by winning and vetoing Spider Man off the block myself. So, I tossed so that he could save himself. I considered it somewhat payback to help Spider Man since he removed me from the block. If Spider Man's in the game, then Eddie's target numero uno is still around and that's good business for me. ^_^

Then, Eddie does what his annoying ass normally does and takes ten fucking hours to name a replacement nominee, which turns up to be me after he explicably said that I was safe. He gave a nonsense reason of not wanting to put someone else up, but he'd have to be fucking insane if he thinks I'll ever work with him now. He treated me as if my nomination was trivial to him, which pissed me off and makes me want sweet revenge super bad. No matter what, I'm doing opposite of what Eddie Brock wants from now on. He wants left, I'm going right... he's going down, I'm going up. I want to make his time left here as difficult as possible, short of publicly fighting with him. He will possibly be on the Jury after all, and I need redeem myslef in the social game department.

Anyway, moooooving onnn.... I asked the douche why he put me up, but he blew me off and said that he had a date to attend to but that I should get four votes easy. Umm, really? I couldn't help but wonder what his girlfriend thinks of him having his donk in every slut in this game. Rolling Eyes

To add to my growing angst with Eddie, he told me UNPROVOKED that he was voting to keep me in the game in the event of a tied vote. Then, I talk to May Parker and it turns out that he told her the EXACT SAME THING. Messy, bad gameplay on his part. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he's probably trying to embrace his villain side, but I personally think he's an idiotic coward who needs to get his ass whooped. I plan to kill this bitch with kindness. It's how I've won in this series before.

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Even if he does outlast me in this game, I will make it my own personal, selfish bitch mission to ensure that he doesn't get a fucking vote to win this game. Such horrendous gameplay doesn't need to be rewarded. He's pressed my last button, and he's messed with the wrong bitch. There's a real dark operator behind this sweet bitch exterior, and he doesn't realize that he's messing with fire here. He'll learn his lesson.

But, if things do go well and I get my grubby hands on an HOH, his ass is mine. Guaranteed.

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