Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyTue Sep 18, 2012 10:37 pm

Well, stupid Eddie Brock won HOH and nominated me again. He's a fucking idiot, and I look forward to seeing him get played out the door.

I also publicly exposed the 2012 crowd just for the hell of it. It caused a huge outbreak of fighting, and while I'm probably counting my days here, I've had more fun these past two hours fighting with these whores than I have had the entire game.

Don't hate me for exposing your alliance. I can't help it that you guys formed a stupid alliance that got exposed. Did you expect me to just go down in flames without pulling your asses down with me?
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyWed Sep 19, 2012 1:37 am

Well, who would have thought this. I caused a huge fucking stink, burned bridges with people, and I *STILL* obtain some new alliances that I can possibly explore.

MAY PARKER - she's scared and wants to work with me in a secret alliance. she admitted to me in private that the 2012 alliance is in fact REAL (aka NOT FAKE... suck on that, Lizard). she feels that our tiff will help people not suspect us

GWEN STACY - i wasn't really planning on this, but i proposed a women's alliance to her after she had a little bit of fun with our fight. i'm not normally one to promote vagina as a binding way to form alliances, but some people are all about underdog women coming together and frankly, Gwen's sort of cool shit even though i'm jealous as hell of her gameplay

We'll have to see. Obviously, the issue right now is that I'm sharing a seat on the block with May Parker and we need to try to fix that. I'm hearing word that Eddie is a dirty rotten snake, so maybe I can use that as a weapon in my arsenal. Time will tell.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyWed Sep 19, 2012 11:38 pm


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Who would have thought that causing such an upheaval last night would open so many avenues for me in this game. Gwen and I have been BFFing since the blow up, and I had her convinced to keep me around. She must be incredibly close Spider Man as welll... considering that HE JUST VETOED MY NOMINATION!!!! I may have just fallen madly in love in the matter of seconds. Sorry, Flash... we do have an open relationship. Maybe you're off enjoying the company of a hot stripper or something in sequester. As for now, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


Last edited by Betty Brant on Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyWed Sep 19, 2012 11:42 pm

Spider Man believes that there's a villain alliance going on, which would honestly make sense and I can't say that I haven't been suspecting it. I guess they want to test Eddie's loyalties, and they're banking on him nominating Lizard.

Yes, the same cocksucker who was such a rude, lying prick toward me last night. If I can get the satisfaction of evicting that liar from the game, then this round will be absolutely perfect.

But, even if that untrustworthy dirtwad Eddie doesn't do what they want, who cares... BETTY THE TROUBLEMAKING BIATCH IS HERE TO STAY FOR THE ROUND!!!

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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyThu Sep 20, 2012 12:20 am

Quote :
From: Eddie Brock
To: Betty Brant
Posted: Today at 9:55 pm
Subject: Re: Say it
Amazing Spiderman, Gwen & May Parker do have an alliance. Expect you don't know that Spiderman and Aunt May are in it too. They want May Parker to stay to keep their alliance strong. I'm an idiot. Congrats though, I truly did want May parker out.

Right now, I'm in no mood to commiserate with this idiot regarding his dilemma of who to nominate. I told him that I wasn't after him, yet he continued to nominate me again. Then, he had the audacity to tell me that I would have done the same to him when I clearly wasn't. He got himself in this mess.

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I may come around eventually and listen to what he has to say, but right now, I am in no mood to feel sorry for him. If he didn't have his cock in every slut, then maybe he'd have more choices to nominate.

I feel like such a bitch right now, but I love being told that I was right. I earned this right to gloat. Tomorrow, it's time to amp my social game and tie down some loyalties. Smile
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyThu Sep 20, 2012 1:00 am

Well, nice Betty has come around much sooner than expected and I'm sort of talking things over with Eddie. He's very confused and asked me whom I'd like to see get nominated. I know Spider Man wants to see Lizard get put up, so I told Eddie that I'd like to see Lizard go for personal reasons.

Lizard leaving would not only put a fracture in the 2012 clan, but also the possible villain's alliance. Double whammy. It. MUST. HAPPEN!
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyThu Sep 20, 2012 1:04 pm

Well, Eddie Brock decided to nominate Amazing Spiderman in the infamous backdoor. I guess it was a shifty move that has totally bothered a lot of people. At first, I was completely unsure what the fuck was going on but now I seem to know a lot due to people telling me everything under the sun to obtain my loyalty.

The way it's looking, the house has broken down into two sides:

The Villains Alliance (rumored but not confirmed)
- Lizard, Eddie Banks, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, and Harry Osborn (possibly)

The Mary Jane House Alliance (confirmed by Gwen)
- Gwen Stacy, Spiderman, Aunt May, Amazing Spiderman, May Parker (possibly), Eddie Banks (not anymore)

I guess Spiderman vetoed my nomination to test Eddie. They really wanted him to nominate Lizard, but Eddie didn't do it. So, I'm thinking it's a safe bet that they have a villains alliance going on. So, it looks like two alliances are going to start duking out, which is VERY good for Betty Brant.

Eddie Banks' crowd wants me to vote out Amazing Spiderman, while the Mary Jane house wants me to off May Parker. Since Spiderman saved me from the block, I'd be more tempted to follow the footsteps of the Mary Jane House except the fact that Amazing Spiderman is sitting on the block next to May Parker. When May Parker and I were nominated earlier in the week, we promised that we'd try to keep each other safe and I won't break that.

Besides, for selfish reasons, I'd like to see Amazing Spiderman leave because I suspect he has way more power in this game than I do and I want a power player gone. Why off the baby fawn when you have a 30-point buck standing right in front of you and your gun's loaded and ready to shoot? There's no reason.
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Betty Brant

Betty Brant

Posts : 325
Join date : 2012-08-29

PostSubject: Re: WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS   WEEK 7 CONFESSIONALS EmptyThu Sep 20, 2012 7:18 pm

Based on my personal conversations, I'd gander that the Villains alliance is clearly in existence... in fact, it's crystal. Eddie made that quite clear when he changed his avatar from his human self to Venom.

Harry seems to be involved with it, aswell. He told me that he was evicting Amazing Spiderman and said that he was going to request a secret room for me, him, and one other person he's not telling me about. It's probably someone like Doctor Octopus, whom I've had no contact with at all in this game. Sandman has also told me that he was evicting Amazing Spiderman.

Sadly, I fear that I may be a bit overaligned at the moment. Winning HOH right now would be a terrible move, unless it meant that I kept it out of Lizard's hands. I feel the most loyalty toward the Mary Jane House group, but I will buddy up with Eddie, Sandman, or Harry if they happen to win HOH.

If Lizard wins HOH, I think I will barf in ten places. However, if I am put on the block, I may have some pull with several people to keep myself safe. I just don't want to burn any bridges with people.
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