Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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 HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair

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2 posters
J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

Posts : 513
Join date : 2012-08-29

HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  Empty
PostSubject: HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair    HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  EmptySun Oct 07, 2012 11:19 pm

Can I have a mimosa, hosborn? - Spider Man- FALSE

Wow now there's too Gwen Stacy's too? I'm gonna get confused haha. I've gotta say, I'm liking Emma Stone a little bit more - Doc Oct- FALSE

Love how you're working that blonde look Gwen. Us blondes do have more fun. - Aunt May- FALSE

Parker? Um, yeah, look, just between you and me, guys kind of an amateur. Have you noticed his stuff makes you a little bloated? Just .. Yeah, a little chunky. - Eddie- TRUE

Fine by me man. I'm digging the lab coat by the way -Harry- TRUE

I'm a little offended you guys don't think I'm sexy. *walks the catwalk* - Lily- True

Would you please fix me one, Harry? I'd take anything at the moment.- Is this part of Betty's quote or a new one?

I've had a hard day, and my nerves are shot. I'd probably tip the bottle over and spilling alcohol is unacceptable. - Betty true

It will probably be some lame attempt at a joke -ASM (Amazing)- True

Oh gah I suck at word unscrambling. lol but I will try my best. I hope one of you are good at it. - Harry true

Why thank you all for the welcome. I had a marvelous time, pun intended. - Lily false

I meant their team. - Gwen false

Hi Housemates! - JJ- false
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

Posts : 982
Join date : 2012-08-26

HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair    HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  EmptyMon Oct 08, 2012 12:16 am

Betty counts for 1.
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

Posts : 513
Join date : 2012-08-29

HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair    HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  EmptyMon Oct 08, 2012 1:18 am

Week 1
HOH: Doctor Octopus
Nominees: Carnage and Sandman
Veto: Sandman saves himself
Nominees: Carnage and J. Jonah Jameson
Evicted: Carnage 5-0

Week 2
HOH: The Lizard
Nominees: Uncle Ben and J. Jonah Jameson
Veto: Eddie Brock does not use it
Nominees: Uncle Ben and J. Jonah Jameson
Evicted: Uncle Ben 6-0

Week 3
HOH: Spider Man
Nominees: Lily and Michele
Veto: Spider Man does not use it
Nominees: Lily and Michele
Evicted: Michele 5-0 (although Cindy posted 6-0)

Week 4
HOH: Aunt May
Nominees: Flash and Lily
Veto: Flash saves himself
Nominees: Lily and May Parker
Evicted: Lily 6-0

Week 5
HOH: Eddie Brock
Nominees: Betty Brant and May Parker
Veto: May Parker saves herself
Nominees: Flash Thompson and Betty Brant
Evicted: Flash 3-1


Week 6
HOH: Sandman
Nominees: May Parker and Mary Jane
Veto: J. Jonah saves May Parker
Nominees: ASM and Mary Jane
Evicted: Mary Jane 6-3 (Cindy posted 5-3)

Week 7
HOH: Eddie Brock
Veto: Amazing Spiderman
Nominees: May Parker and ASM
Evicted: ASM 5-4

Week 8
HOH: Eddie Brock
Nominees: Spider Man and May Parker
Veto: Spider Man saves himself
Nominees: Betty Brant and May Parker
Evicted: May Parker 7-2

Week 9
HOH: Aunt May
Nominees: Harry and Doctor Octopus
Veto: Sandman does not use it
Nominees: Harry and Doctor Octopus
Evicted: Harry 4-3 (Cindy posted 5-2)

Week 10
HOH: Betty Brant
Nominees: Eddie Brock and The Lizard
Veto: Lizard saves himself
Nominees: Eddie Brock and Gwen Stacy
Evicted: Eddie Brock 3-2

Week 11
HOH: Spider Man
Nominees: Doctor Octopus and Lizard
Veto: Doctor Octopus saves himself
Nominees: Lizard and Sandman
Evicted: Lizard 5-0

Week 12
HOH: Sandman
Nominees: Spiderman and J. Jonah Jameson
Veto: Sandman doesn’t use it
Nominees: Spiderman and J. Jonah Jameson
Evicted: Spiderman 4-0

Week 13
HOH: J. Jonah Jameson
Nominees: Betty and Sandman
Veto: J. Jonah Jameson- did not use it
Nominees: Betty and Sandman
Evicted: Betty 2-0

Week 14
HOH: J. Jonah Jameson
Nominees: Doctor Octopus and Sandman
Veto: Doctor Octopus saves himself
Nominees: Gwen Stacy and Sandman
Evicted: Sandman 2-1 (Tiebreaker)

Week 15
HOH: J. Jonah Jameson
Nominees: Gwen and Aunt May
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

Posts : 513
Join date : 2012-08-29

HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair    HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  EmptyTue Oct 09, 2012 12:41 am

time stampcheck
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

Posts : 513
Join date : 2012-08-29

HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  Empty
PostSubject: Re: HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair    HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  EmptyTue Oct 09, 2012 12:42 am

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PostSubject: Re: HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair    HOH SUBMISSION-this challenge isn't fair  Empty

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