Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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 Merge HOH- Superhero

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2 posters
J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

Posts : 513
Join date : 2012-08-29

Merge HOH- Superhero Empty
PostSubject: Merge HOH- Superhero   Merge HOH- Superhero EmptySat Sep 15, 2012 5:48 pm

X-men Codename: Iris- poisonous(ish) plant
: Elijah Sanderboch
Age: 22
Place of Birth: None of your damn business, Cindy.
Nationality: He white.
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180 lbs
Physical Description: You wouldn't know he's a country boy by looking at him. He's got the smooth, well groomed "city slicker" look about him. He charcoal black hair is matched only by the acid he secrets. His hair is shortly cropped as is his facial hair. His eyes are a dark brown. He spends a lot of time in the gym and has a really beach friendly body to go along with his natural athletic ability.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Personality: Eli's innate need to fix things is what drives him more than anything. He's spent his entire life before joining the X-men trying his fix his family and bring them together (since they blame him for their mother's death).

He's sweet and approachable. He strives to make other people feel as included as he wishes he were at home. He has patience and tolerance that far exceeds his age, making him a magnet for ~dramatic teens~ with too much angst and not enough self respect.

Mutant Powers: Eli has the unfortunate ability to produce a highly acidic solution that integrates itself harmlessly into his blood stream. He calls it an acid, but it could just as easily be a poison. It can escape as any kind of bodily fluid be it saliva, urine, blood, etc (wink). and produce fatal results. The acidity of the liquid depends on his inner anger and frustration, and isn't nearly as potent when he is in a euphoric or peaceful state of mind.

The black acid has the viscosity of blood, and is only in its purest form when it escapes through a laceration on his skin. If the acid is shot out of his mouth as spit, it is somewhat diluted and less deadly than it would be if a drop of acid escaped through a scrape or a cut.

Eli has a natural immunity to the acid, and all other acids for that matter. The things it can do range from burning through metal to contaminating a glass of water or even poisoning a person.

It can also seep through his pores. Like, you can shake his hand and then BAM you have to learn how to masturbate as a leftie.

Strengths: Being hit physically will usually anger him, and that will empower the acid/ poison to be more potent. He fights better in an area surrounded with things and objects, things he can poison and contaminate. Fighting in, say a desert, wouldn't be desirable.

Weaknesses: Hyper-immunity to poison has lowered his body's natural defenses to viruses, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens. He's like a tiny baby about sicknesses. He also, on an unrelated note, has a really low tolerance for pain. You know how in super hero movies they are always beating the absolute shit out of each other and throwing each other through buildings? Yeah, that wouldn't fly with Eli. He'd be out in like 2 hits.

History: Eli's mother died shortly after she gave birth due to a mysterious poison. Only when Eli was 14 did his father put the two together. Growing up on a farm was difficult for him considering the fact that he was virtually alone except for his twin brothers who were two years older. All blamed him for their mothers death, and never let him forget it.

The primary source of income for the family was the corn business. They had a huge field of corn that stretched out over several acres. One day, Eli was messing around with a stalk of corn, bending it, testing its durability, it was something he did when his family was bugging the hell out of him. He noticed the little yellow buds had become a deathly black, and instantly withdrew his hand. The next day, every single ear of corn was rolling around in the dirt, dead from poison. Sensing his father's brutality, Professor Xavier and one of his students, Cyclops, arrived and rescued Eli minutes before his father was to kick him out of the house.

Other: Daven has yet to experiment or classify the acid and poison that comes out of him. Is it chlorine? Sulfer? Phosphate? He isn't sure, he also isn't sure of how it will react with gas and non-metal elements.

With the X-men
He's been with the X-men for a few years now. If it were high school, he'd be like a junior. There long enough to welcome new people and get them into the swing of things, but not long enough to be ~top dawg~. He finally has his own costume and gets to ride around on that black jet. One time, he made professor X a sandwich with roast beef and it was v. well received.

He had a brief fling with Jubilee and, upon discovering she was a girl, ditched her and is now single because the only gay X-men recently got married. w/e.

Magneto and other super villains have been pretty quiet recently, so he hasn't met them yet. He has fought Toad and Avalanche though. They are bitchasses, so it didn't take long to beat them. Yay, Eli!

Cindy, if I win, can you not post this? I feel like my personality comes out a little bit and I don't want anyone to guess. <3
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

Posts : 982
Join date : 2012-08-26

Merge HOH- Superhero Empty
PostSubject: Re: Merge HOH- Superhero   Merge HOH- Superhero EmptySat Sep 15, 2012 9:25 pm

I wont and he is good lol.
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J. Jonah Jameson

J. Jonah Jameson

Posts : 513
Join date : 2012-08-29

Merge HOH- Superhero Empty
PostSubject: Re: Merge HOH- Superhero   Merge HOH- Superhero EmptySun Sep 16, 2012 3:23 pm

Can you send this one to the judges? I made some grammar edits.

X-men Codename: Iris- poisonous(ish) plant
[b]Name: Elijah Sanderboch
Age: 22
Place of Birth: None of your damn business, Cindy.
Nationality: He white.
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180 lbs
Physical Description: You wouldn't know he's a country boy by looking at him. He's got the smooth, well groomed "city slicker" look about him. He charcoal black hair is matched only by the acid he secrets. His hair is shortly cropped as is his facial hair. His eyes are a dark brown. He spends a lot of time in the gym and has a really beach friendly body to go along with his natural athletic ability.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Personality: Eli's innate need to fix things is what drives him more than anything. He's spent his entire life before joining the X-men trying his fix his family and bring them together (since they blame him for their mother's death).

He's sweet and approachable. He strives to make other people feel as included as he wishes he were at home. He has patience and tolerance that far exceeds his age, making him a magnet for ~dramatic teens~ with too much angst and not enough self respect.

Mutant Powers: Eli has the unfortunate ability to produce a highly acidic solution that integrates itself harmlessly into his blood stream. He calls it an acid, but it could just as easily be a poison. It can escape as any kind of bodily fluid be it saliva, urine, blood, etc (wink). and produce fatal results. The acidity of the liquid depends on his inner anger and frustration, and isn't nearly as potent when he is in a euphoric or peaceful state of mind.

The black acid has the viscosity of blood, and is only in its purest form when it escapes through a laceration on his skin. If the acid is shot out of his mouth as spit, it is somewhat diluted and less deadly than it would be if a drop of acid escaped through a scrape or a cut.

Eli has a natural immunity to the acid, and all other acids for that matter. The things it can do range from burning through metal to contaminating a glass of water or even poisoning a person.

It can also seep through his pores. Like, you can shake his hand and then BAM you have to learn how to masturbate as a leftie.

Strengths: Being hit physically will usually anger him, and that will empower the acid/ poison to be more potent. He fights better in an area surrounded with things and objects, things he can poison and contaminate. Fighting in, say a desert, wouldn't be desirable.

Weaknesses: Hyper-immunity to poison has lowered his body's natural defenses to viruses, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens. He's like a tiny baby about sicknesses. He also, on an unrelated note, has a really low tolerance for pain. You know how in super hero movies they are always beating the absolute shit out of each other and throwing each other through buildings? Yeah, that wouldn't fly with Eli. He'd be out in like 2 hits.

History: Eli's mother died shortly after she gave birth due to a mysterious poison. Only when Eli was 14 did his father put the two together. Growing up on a farm was difficult for him considering the fact that he was virtually alone except for his twin brothers who were two years older. All blamed him for their mothers death, and never let him forget it.

The primary source of income for the family was the corn business. They had a huge field of corn that stretched out over several acres. One day, Eli was messing around with a stalk of corn, bending it, testing its durability, it was something he did when his family was bugging the hell out of him. He noticed the little yellow buds had become a deathly black, and instantly withdrew his hand. The next day, every single ear of corn was rolling around in the dirt, dead from poison. Sensing his father's brutality, Professor Xavier and one of his students, Cyclops, arrived and rescued Eli minutes before his father was to kick him out of the house.

Other: Eli has yet to experiment or classify the acid and poison that comes out of him. Is it chlorine? Sulfer? Phosphate? He isn't sure, he also isn't sure of how it will react with gas and non-metal elements.

With the X-men
He's been with the X-men for a few years now. If it were high school, he'd be like a junior. There long enough to welcome new people and get them into the swing of things, but not long enough to be ~top dawg~. He finally has his own costume and gets to ride around on that black jet. One time, he made professor X a sandwich with roast beef and it was v. well received.

He had a brief fling with Jubilee and, upon discovering she was a girl, ditched her and is now single because the only gay X-men recently got married. w/e.

Magneto and other super villains have been pretty quiet recently, so he hasn't met them yet. He has fought Toad and Avalanche though. They are bitchasses, so it didn't take long to beat them. Yay, Eli!

Cindy, if I win, can you not post this? I feel like my personality comes out a little bit and I don't want anyone to guess. <3
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