Cindy's Duel: Mystery Spiderman
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Flash Thompson

Flash Thompson

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PostSubject: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 2:36 pm

vote 1 lilly
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptySun Sep 16, 2012 5:48 pm

Will post here.
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptySun Sep 16, 2012 5:54 pm

10 out of 10 overall for each please.They were to create a superhero.

1. Alter Ego:
Isis Falcon


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1. Reality Manipulation- With this ability, Isis can place her enemies into an "alternate dimension", at least in their eyes. For example, if she were fighting one in the middle of an alley, she can change the perception of her nemesis to where they would think they were fighting in a dangerous jungle with man-eating animals everywhere. Whatever they do in their "alternate dimension", they do in real life. However, each time this ability is activated, somebody that Isis knows and cares about (family, friends, lovers) loses all memories of her to the point that they do not remember who she is.

2. Gravity Manipulation- With this ability, Isis can change the magnitude of Earth's gravity for a small area at a time, which can help her out in tight moments. She can decrease gravity and move further/higher with each step, or she can increase gravity and get suspended objects to drop. In combat, she uses this ability to slow down her opponents while she allows herself to pounce on them.

3. Empathy- With the ability to sense and control other people's emotions, Isis becomes the ultimate threat to her enemies. Unfortunately, the extent of this power is semi-limited. She can amplify and reduce the level of one's emotions, but the magnitude at which she changes their emotions also affect her. For example, if she is fighting a villain and heightens their levels of sadness, she herself will grow more melancholic. Likewise, if she increases the confidence of an insecure friend, she will grow more confident as well (nearly to the point of arrogance). She can detect how someone is feeling if she makes physical contact.

Isis is a bit of a hothead. She is not afraid to engage in a physical confrontation with anyone, regardless of gender. She loves to keep her adrenaline rushing and will always desire to participate in any high-risk activities such as skydiving and swimming in a lake of sharks. At times, she can be a little arrogant, but behind the tough wall lies someone who is seeking that one person to spend her life with. She will use caustic wit and dry humor to entertain her companions, but the toughest thing for her may be finding a lover. She is not afraid of any challenge and can be quite competitive, pushing herself to her limits to prove to everyone and herself that she can do anything.


Born in the late 80s to a ballet dancer and a doctor, Isis Falcon, an only child, proved to the world that her family had hope to continue their bloodline. Previously, Isis' mother had suffered from miscarriages, leading everyone to doubt the success of the birth of Isis. As she continued to get older, her mother became more satisfied in her life, feeling like a gift had been given to her. At her twelfth birthday, Isis suffered the first tragedy in her life- her father had been shot down by a man whose daughter was a patient of his, one who passed away from cancer. Feeling dispirited, the man took his frustration out on Isis' father, followed him to his home, and gunned him down as he made his way up the doorway with Isis' birthday gift.

In high school, Isis began to notice that whenever she focused on an object long enough, she was able to get it to either levitate or drop. Questioning her sanity, she began researching the "symptoms". She eventually learned that she was able to change the gravity around various objects at will, including herself. With this newfound ability, she temporarily performed her own magic shows to save up the money for college.

In the middle of her senior year, she attracted the attention of one of the most popular girls in school, Jessica Caballero, the head cheerleader and arguably the cruelest girl around. In a failed attempt at trying to humiliate Isis at one of her shows, Jessica accidentally collided with Isis' mother's car while trying to drive away. Isis' mother landed in a coma for some months. In order to pay for the hospital bills, Isis spent all her college savings to keep her mother in good hands, eventually getting her to regain consciousness. Some time later, upon seeing Jessica at the local supermarket, Isis unknowingly tapped into another one of her powers, the ability to manipulate reality. The two had a verbal altercation and Jessica ended up seeing herself in a graveyard by herself. At the cost of creating this virtual reality, Isis unwittingly erased her mother's memories of her. For the rest of her life, Isis would not be able to get her mother to remember her.

Reuniting with a former science teacher of hers, Isis became good friends with Mr. Lincoln Duvari, who had previously taught her physics and chemistry. The two would work together extensively trying to find a cure for the permanent amnesia. In order to raise money for the project, Isis took a job at the local police station as criminal justice had always intrigued her.

This would start her adventures as a superhero. In the beginning, many petty criminals attempted to break out of jail, and she used her gravity manipulation and power of empathy to keep them in line. Her great performance later gets her a promotion to the state penitentiary where authories have her assist them in interviewing the detainees, particularly in high profile cases.

Despite the low crime rate of the city, this eventually changes when a mysterious man dressed in black enters the city (Shadow), who seems to be leading a gang of mutants, each with their own special ability. It is later revealed that Shadow planned to turn the safest place on Earth to the deadliest. Throughout the series, Shadow and his gang terrorize the city and come up with different ways to antagonize Isis and the police crew.

Shadow is the mysterious man in black who appears in the city one night, bringing along a large army of mutants. He simply wants the world to feel miserable since the safest place on Earth was now a death trap. He is the primary antagonist of this series yet he never fights Isis head-on until seasons/issues later. He has the ability to bring inanimate objects "to life" while also having the ability to see one's biggest weakness. He exploits these weaknesses and uses that against the group of people he terrorizes, allowing him to get what he wants without any consequences.

Love Interests:
Because of the nature of her powers, Isis is unable to maintain a long-term relationship. Every two months, she makes an attempt at meeting a new guy, but despite how successful the relationship might be, this is always jeopardized with people being forgotten. In different issues, each man handles it differently. Some might question her existence while others have no idea what ends up happening.

Direction of Series:
Eventually Mr. Duvari and Isis create the cure for amnesia. During Isis' fight with Shadow, Isis' mother regains her memories of Isis and starts reminiscing, yet this temporary moment of achievement is cut short when one of Shadow's minions attack Mr. Duvari and Isis' mother at her home, murdering the mother in the process. Mr. Duvari becomes brainwashed and becomes a servant of Shadow.

After his transformation to "the dark side", Mr. Duvari disposes of every drop of antidote for amnesia in his lab. When Isis discovers this new side of him, she and him duke it out and she ultimately ends up killing him, never knowing that her mother had indeed remembered her. After she defeats him, she ends up defeating Shadow later down the line, who ends up being the man who had originally killed her father some years back.

My Superhero
Mamma Mia

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^so hawt

This is obviously a play on the famous hit by ABBA and A*Teens "Mamma Mia!", but I do think the song gave me an interesting idea for a hardcore superhero. Women and men constantly have their hearts broken from unfaithful partners, and some people who are done wrong repeatedly never seem to learn. The heartbreakers will continue to break hearts, and those they hurt will just keep coming back for more under the assumption that the heartbreaker will change. It's a vicious cycle that never seems to end, and that's where Mamma Mia enters into the picture.

Mamma Mia is a hot, sexy Latin woman wearing a scantily clad superhero outfit. She'd ideally have a hot name like Verónica Mendez who simply only goes by Mamma Mia to everyone else. I'd make her ideally 34 years of age, which is young enough to be still hot but old enough to have some serious life experiences. It would be a cliché, but Verónica would look sort of unsexy in her everyday, professional life. (Think Peter Parker before he became Spiderman). She'd wear granny sweatshirts, cat eyeglasses, and other unsexy things. This is a large reason why her crush, Adam Rolly (a very handsome colleague), barely notices her in everyday life. Verónica would work as a social worker, since she herself had a rotten upbringing and would want to help other unfortunate souls overcome it the way she did.

Mamma Mia's powers are many. She can not only read the dirty thoughts of unfaithful partners, but she can also transport herself through air at a milisecond's notice. She also has superhuman strength and will kick the asses of anyone who hurts others and are unfaithful partners. My favorite power of her's is perhaps her "flash power" - where she rips off her top and have pervy men stare at her boobs and get seriously hypnotized, which allows Mamma Mia to distract them from the wrongdoing they are currently doing. This let's her hand out their punishment, whatever that may be, with ease. Her main villain are all the unfaithful and self-centered assholes out in the world, but her worst enemy is probably her father. More on that will be explained below.

A primary focus of Verónica will be dealing with not only her dating life but also the dating life of her friends, co-workers, clients, and rivals. As a social worker, Verónica comes across boats of mistreated women, men, and children. When Verónica was a teenager, her father was a cheating asshole who ends up murdering her mother during a fight one night. Verónica was very close to her mother and took her death very hard, and she forever held a hatred for her father because she knew what kind of a bastard he was. When she started seeing a grief counselor, she got really close to him and soon discovered papers that revealed that he was more than he appeared. He was more like a mad scientist experimenting with supernatural powers. Basically, he was a grief counselor to pay the bills. The scientist was at first floored at being discovered, but he soon decided to let Verónica become a superhero since he knew that she wanted to prevent other people from falling victim to an unfaithful partner the way her mother did. Verónica's favorite song growing up was "Mamma Mia!", so this is where her superhero name came along because it summed up what she stood against most as a person.

Mamma Mia may not look too scary, but due to her superb strength and agility, she never crossed paths with an opponent whose ass she couldn't end up kicking in the end. There would be other supervillains that she'd cross paths with, so she'd obviously be faced with a plethora of challenges but Mamma Mia has the looks, the brains, and the brawn to overcome them in the end.

3.X-men Codename: Iris- poisonous(ish) plant
[b]Name: Elijah Sanderboch
Age: 22
Place of Birth: None of your damn business, Cindy.
Nationality: He white.
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180 lbs
Physical Description: You wouldn't know he's a country boy by looking at him. He's got the smooth, well groomed "city slicker" look about him. He charcoal black hair is matched only by the acid he secrets. His hair is shortly cropped as is his facial hair. His eyes are a dark brown. He spends a lot of time in the gym and has a really beach friendly body to go along with his natural athletic ability.

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Personality: Eli's innate need to fix things is what drives him more than anything. He's spent his entire life before joining the X-men trying his fix his family and bring them together (since they blame him for their mother's death).

He's sweet and approachable. He strives to make other people feel as included as he wishes he were at home. He has patience and tolerance that far exceeds his age, making him a magnet for ~dramatic teens~ with too much angst and not enough self respect.

Mutant Powers: Eli has the unfortunate ability to produce a highly acidic solution that integrates itself harmlessly into his blood stream. He calls it an acid, but it could just as easily be a poison. It can escape as any kind of bodily fluid be it saliva, urine, blood, etc (wink). and produce fatal results. The acidity of the liquid depends on his inner anger and frustration, and isn't nearly as potent when he is in a euphoric or peaceful state of mind.

The black acid has the viscosity of blood, and is only in its purest form when it escapes through a laceration on his skin. If the acid is shot out of his mouth as spit, it is somewhat diluted and less deadly than it would be if a drop of acid escaped through a scrape or a cut.

Eli has a natural immunity to the acid, and all other acids for that matter. The things it can do range from burning through metal to contaminating a glass of water or even poisoning a person.

It can also seep through his pores. Like, you can shake his hand and then BAM you have to learn how to masturbate as a leftie.

Strengths: Being hit physically will usually anger him, and that will empower the acid/ poison to be more potent. He fights better in an area surrounded with things and objects, things he can poison and contaminate. Fighting in, say a desert, wouldn't be desirable.

Weaknesses: Hyper-immunity to poison has lowered his body's natural defenses to viruses, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens. He's like a tiny baby about sicknesses. He also, on an unrelated note, has a really low tolerance for pain. You know how in super hero movies they are always beating the absolute shit out of each other and throwing each other through buildings? Yeah, that wouldn't fly with Eli. He'd be out in like 2 hits.

History: Eli's mother died shortly after she gave birth due to a mysterious poison. Only when Eli was 14 did his father put the two together. Growing up on a farm was difficult for him considering the fact that he was virtually alone except for his twin brothers who were two years older. All blamed him for their mothers death, and never let him forget it.

The primary source of income for the family was the corn business. They had a huge field of corn that stretched out over several acres. One day, Eli was messing around with a stalk of corn, bending it, testing its durability, it was something he did when his family was bugging the hell out of him. He noticed the little yellow buds had become a deathly black, and instantly withdrew his hand. The next day, every single ear of corn was rolling around in the dirt, dead from poison. Sensing his father's brutality, Professor Xavier and one of his students, Cyclops, arrived and rescued Eli minutes before his father was to kick him out of the house.

Other: Eli has yet to experiment or classify the acid and poison that comes out of him. Is it chlorine? Sulfer? Phosphate? He isn't sure, he also isn't sure of how it will react with gas and non-metal elements.

With the X-men
He's been with the X-men for a few years now. If it were high school, he'd be like a junior. There long enough to welcome new people and get them into the swing of things, but not long enough to be ~top dawg~. He finally has his own costume and gets to ride around on that black jet. One time, he made professor X a sandwich with roast beef and it was v. well received.

He had a brief fling with Jubilee and, upon discovering she was a girl, ditched her and is now single because the only gay X-men recently got married. w/e.

Magneto and other super villains have been pretty quiet recently, so he hasn't met them yet. He has fought Toad and Avalanche though. They are bitchasses, so it didn't take long to beat them. Yay, Eli!

Thanks again.
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Flash Thompson

Flash Thompson

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votessssssss Empty
PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptySun Sep 16, 2012 6:10 pm

1. Lots of details and for the most part I liked it but it had flaws. For one I get the mental abilities but the gravity one is sort of random and doesn't really connect with the others. The name is weird. She's also ugly. Anyway, her background did bore me to tears which is not what a superhero is supposed to do and it's a chick. No offense but when was the last time you saw a girl superhero be a huge success? Go ahead, think about it for a minute..................................mmmkay you came up with nothing. Catwomen? No. Wonder Woman, didn't even make it past the pilot episode. Where's her weakness? They all have them. All in all, I appreciate the amount of work you put into this but your final product is lacking the basic elements of a good superhero. 5/10

2. Did you even take this seriously? Hosts do not make challenges as jokes. I'll admit I only made it passed two paragraphs of your uhhh creation? It was stupid and pointless and my annoyance with it started with the picture of J-Loser. Congratulations this may be the worst submission I have ever judged for a creative challenge in my life. I have no idea why you even bothered to put in the 15 minutes of work to make this. You probably did it to be funny but it was just such a fail. 1/10

3. Okay he doesn't really fit with the X-Men. He's random, he's weird and ultimately he's boring. Oh yay he produces acid!!! Lame. I would much rather have that pointless child from the 2nd X-men movie who changes the TV channel by blinking his eyes. I mean as weak as the first submission was these last two have really taken the cake for all time bad. Just how was this thing supposed to defeat Avalanche and Toad so easily? Did you know Toad can also create poisons and his skin is resistant to a lot of things? Do your research next time. 3/10
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptySun Sep 16, 2012 9:58 pm

XOXO Thanks.
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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votessssssss Empty
PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptyTue Sep 18, 2012 11:01 pm

Please respect what I asked, I would respect your game.
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Flash Thompson

Flash Thompson

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PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptyTue Sep 18, 2012 11:02 pm

At least let me read the thread
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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votessssssss Empty
PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptyTue Sep 18, 2012 11:04 pm

Oh yeah you can do that, sorry, I will let you read, sorry.
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Mary Jane
Mary Jane

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votessssssss Empty
PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptyTue Sep 18, 2012 11:19 pm

Betty thinks I am mad at you and she feels bad lol, I'm not mad by the way so hope you don't think I am.
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Flash Thompson

Flash Thompson

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PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptyWed Sep 19, 2012 1:16 am

lol okay good i was worried!
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votessssssss Empty
PostSubject: Re: votessssssss   votessssssss EmptyWed Nov 21, 2012 2:32 pm

The name is weird. She's also ugly.

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